Do you have contacts in the USA? 

A quick update for everyone.

I received a formal confirmation today that Brett is in fact in the USA. Accordingly, I have made contact with a number of people in the US who will hopefully be able to help me to spread the word about the asshole.

I am not 100% sure where he is right now, but this is what I do know for sure:

  • He was in Fort Worth at the Stock Show a week ago;
  • He is claiming to be the owner of “King Ranch Australia” and claims that his family were the first people to bring King Ranch cattle and horses to Australia;
  • He says he is a multi-millionaire who owns a number of super successful Australian thoroughbreds (including Winx) numerous cutting horses and many prominent rural properties in Australia and the US. He also claims to have recently purchased 2 ranches near the Fort Worth Metroplex;
  • He is claiming that his money is somewhat from “oil wealth”.

Although I have made contact with a number of people who will hopefully be able to assist me, I am asking anyone who has contacts in the US to help me to spread the word about this moron as far and wide as possible. The more people who are aware of him, the less the chance of him being able to defraud anyone or latch onto another girl (or boy), steal from her (or him) and then break her (or his) heart. I just really want to stop this bastard from hurting anyone else like he did to me and I will be so grateful for any help I can get to achieve that.

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